Friday 20 June 2008

Amy Winehouse apologises for 'racist' video

Amy Winehouse has apologised to fans after a video allegedly showing the trouble pop star singing racist songs was made public over the weekend.

British tabloid News of the World published footage of the star singing a version of children't nursery rhyme Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, replacing the words with racist slurs.

The video also showed Winehouse in a drug den surrounded by drug-taking paraphernalia.

It was allegedly filmed in 2007, while Winehouse was honeymooning with husband Blake Fielder-Civil.

News agency Associated Press reported Winehouse apologised to paparazzi gathered in front of her house, and denied she was racist.

"I don't want to play anything down, but I'm the least racist person going," Winehouse said.

Fielder-Civil has has admitted to assaulting a pub landlord before attempting to cover it up, court officials confirmed today.

*Watch the video here.

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